Thursday, November 29, 2007

November 29 2007

Day #1 of the SPLOG! i hope you are as excited as i am. whatev. so lets see whats going on in my temporary tags on my new car that you havent seen yet expired on tuesday. today is thursday..still expired. weird how that happens. tommorrow is dmv day (yess!) schools almost over. this splog sucks so far! megan got fired from work. story---->saturday night we had mizzou and ku table cloths all over and she "allegedly" sold one and pocketed the money and never turned it in, which wasnt supposed to happen anyways. anywhos...katie mo told brian because katie mo is doing whatever she can to make herself look better than ANYBODY else because she should have gotten fired and didnt. so i guess megan lied to brian about it and then he suspended her and then made destiny fire her. thats right, he made des do it. anyways...des has her first chiefs game on sunday. we lost which was bogus but i did manage to snap a sweet picture of des fallen over in the woods wearing flourescent yellow boots. its AMAZING. i have to go live some of my crazy life so i have splogging to do tommorrow. love and miss u. manhappenin is lame! SUCKA!